
I am a musician and songwriter from a city in the north of England called Bradford.

This is my personal website. It’s mainly a chronicle of my creative journey, documenting adventures past and present. A window into my world.

I have played with a number of bands over the years, encompassing a variety of different styles and influences. My current projects are Dawn of Elysium, and Crash Scene Flowers

I have a keen interest in music recording and have my own project studio.

Over the years, I have also been involved with events at a few Bradford venues, from DJing to booking gigs. However I don’t really do so much of that these days.

I sometimes blog. Topics I have written about vary wildly. They are mostly about my musical activities, sometimes they’re personal diary entries, reflections, reviews or posts about what’s going on in the city. I don’t always profess to be an expert on the subjects covered but all opinions are my own and I always welcome discussion. After all isn’t that what it’s supposed to be about?

Anyway, this is my little piece of the internet so please feel free to take a look around. I am always happy to hear from people from all backgrounds, so if you feel inclined, drop me a line.